
Advertising on the BVFC has the potential for great returns. The web site audience is very targeted; that is the site attracts State fans. This makes it easier for those of you selling Bulldog products or merchandise to reach your audience. On non-sports related sites, the chances are very slim that you will find a Bulldog fan who is surfing through. Even on a college-sports related site, the chances are still pretty slim that you will encounter MSU Fans. However, the large majority of the hits we receive here are Bulldog fans looking for quality content and material (and finding it!). Because you are advertising Bulldog products to Bulldog fans, there is a much larger return on the investment.

Ads run for a time period of one month. Because of the volatility of the internet, I cannot guarantee that my page will be up and running and able to be accessed every day of the month. I trust that you have had many experiences with sites that, for one reason or another, are not working one day, and are fine the next.

Advertising rates for one month are $10 for the main page and $5 for every other page. If you want to work out a long term deal with me, I'm open to negotiation. Also, I take $1 off for every additional ad you purchase.

Purchasing an ad is very easy. Just email me:

  1. Your image (will be shown 150x125 pixels). Can be: gif, jpg, jpeg, bmp, or tiff. Can also be animated or still. Please do not attach sounds to your image. Email it to me here.
  2. Url to link the image to.
  3. Pages you wish to advertise on.
  4. Contact name and address.
  5. Phone number in case or questions.

Please send cash/check for the appropriate amount to:

attn. Advertising c/o Josh Ireland

108 Water Oaks Dr.

Clinton, MS 39056-9777

For any questions or comments you have:

(601) 925-4826 or you can always reach me via email here.

Note: Checks will not be cashed until ads have run for the whole month. I will attempt to post ads the 1st of every month, weather and other circumstances permitting.


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